Monday, March 09, 2009

Infused Oil

I know. I hate that word too. "Infused". It's so 2006. Everything is infused these days, isn't it? Well ... for lack of a better term ... I have some infused oil to share. After deep frying my squash blossoms and letting the oil cool, I drained it through a mesh sieve to save for near-future use. To my surprise, the smell that emanated from the oil was of the squash blossoms and it smelled so good! So I did what my mom does and dropped a twig of rosemary and a clove of garlic in. *Make sure the garlic is cooked first. When raw garlic molds the bacteria can cause botulism!

Make sure anything you put in the oil is actually submerged. Anything above will start to mold and ruin everything. Definitely using this oil on tonight's roasted potatoes.

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